The First Thing is to Make Good Coffee in the Morning
Then spend a moment with The Red Rooster; or, a Tale Told By an Idiot

Dave Soroka and I, when we passed time together two decades ago, came up with The Red Rooster, with its byword of 'a subtle blend of fact and fiction to create a new reality'. We figured that after a day's toil an evening spent in drinking and conversation seeking 'certainty through reasoning' we could untie this damned Gordian knot of human existence. The Red Rooster was designed to be a record of that journey.
We had a couple of ground rules: always maintain a sense of humour, never let a fact get in the way of the truth, untie knots rather than tie them, or make life more understandable rather than less; cause as much trouble towards authority as possible.
Maintaining a sense of humour requires, I think, a sense of humility which I once read defined as a 'willingness to always accept that you may be wrong' and I prefer that definition over a 'low sense of one's importance'. Humour also creates the perfect tone of a troublemaker towards authority. And laughter may lead to accepting a truth that is unacceptable otherwise; it leads to communication and communication is 'the universal solvent'.
My stepmother used to be a font of wisdom for me, gathering the gossamer strands of subtle clues, combining them into a profound insight to other people. I held her wool while she knit and I would come away with a clearer vision of the people around me. Dave Soroka also wrote a song around that time called Midnight Man in which the lyrics tell of how clear and certain a man can be in the calm of the night when he can organize his thoughts.
The Red Rooster is all of that and beer.
It's also the home of Caesar, The German Shepherd Dog; Gore, The Vegetarian; The MTFC and much more.
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You bastard... no anonymous comments allowed... so I have say this publicly...
Remember when I assured you I wouldn't accidently fall in love with you? I take it back.
In order to spare you from any further forced public declarations, or the public removal of private assurances I've adjusted the settings allowing Anonymous to post to her hearts content.
I love you!
Donna, could you please shut your cake hole.
Donna's not here but I'll pass along your request, if and when I see her. But I would rather see or hear that you've started reading Jeffrey Hopkins book. I'm just saying...
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