Ode to Joy, Joy to the World, Peace on Earth, and all the other meaningless Yadda Yadda Yadda

I spent Christmas wrapped in the warmth of the past watching hour after hour of classic Christmas fare (
White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Meet Me in St. Louis, etc) tuned into Turner Classic Movies. It reminded me over and over how simple life appeared to be forty to sixty years ago.
But as it turns out it's not as simple as all of that, is it? Poor Danny Kaye living a lie. Poor Judy Garland a prisoner of her handlers. Poor Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and socialists forced into slavery and then murdered during the Second World War (all the returning soldiers in
White Christmas didn't mention that part, did they? The retards were lucky - they were just murdered without having to work for their masters first).
I bought, intentionally, Al Franken's latest paperback
The Truth (with jokes). Franken never ceases to crack me up even when he's telling me about how seriously flawed the world around me actually is. In
The Truth (with jokes), Franken examines the 2004 US Presidential elections and challenges the assertion that G.W.Bush received a landslide of approval, which Bush termed
political capital and said he intended to spend. Politics in the US of A has always been a nasty business, filled with deceit, lies and fraud. Tammany Hall, The Tea Dome Scandal, The Pentagon Papers, Watergate. Just ask Coke Stevenson about electoral fraud (Stevenson ran against Lyndon Johnston for a federal Senate seat in Texas, 1948).
L. Fletcher Prouty wrote a book called
JFK. Prouty isn't a person whose life is beyond reproach. He's a man who probably did more good than harm and probaby was more coherent than not. I like him
because he wrote the book
JFK. Especially the first few chapters of that book.
Prouty explains world events don't just happen. They are caused to happen. This is a basic principle that needs to be understood by everyone on this planet. Wars don't erupt whole cloth; they are created and armed and executed. Political movements have an unseen hand behind them, sometimes many. I still believe accidents occur. After all, Columbus shot for India and found an entirely different continent. But nevertheless, on the whole, things happen because they are caused to happen. By who and why are another set of questions.

Prouty explains that the ordnances and supplies stockpiled in the Pacific for the invasion of Japan weren't routed back to America after Japan's surrender in 1945 but sent on to Korea in preparation for a war there, which they envisioned would take place a few years later. Who envisioned? Well there the story gets a little complex with a long list of bit players and main players. Winston Churchill called them
The Cabal. In fact, the players don't change as much from generation to generation as it appears. For instance, do you know who Herman and George Brown are? Well, according to Robert Caro, they had a constuction company that built a hydroelectric dam on land they did not own and stood to lose millions unless a junior congressman from Texas could swing a deal in the back rooms for them. That man, even then, was a past master of deal making named Lyndon Johnston. Brown & Root went on to become major figures in military and corporate construction (receiving massive government contracts), oil, and Texas politics. They were bought by Haliburton in 1962 and were merged with Kellogg in the 1990s. Brown and Root of Texas and Haliburton are doing pretty much today what they did in 1936, comingling money, politics and bribery to create a world of profit and power for themselves and their people.
Which now brings me to the depressing part of my so-called holidays. I've just finished reading
The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man which didn't do much for me except remind me of Antonia Juhasz'
The Bush Agenda and Greg Grandin's
Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism. And I'm almost finished Franken's book.
So, you see, my mindset was slipping away from the nostalgic Christmas warmth that Turner Classic Movies had spun for me. I had read myself away from the warmth of friends working for the benefit of other friends, where problems were solved with a wink and where families really did care about each other.
But I wasn't prepared for this morning. I wasn't prepared for an idea so massively obnoxious, so vile in its intentions that I actually shut off the computer, cracked open a (union-made) beer and put some music on rather than think about the consequences of it being true.

It can be found at the website called,
Project Censor. Project Censor was launched in 1976 at Sonoma University as a communications project. According to its website it
"is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.". I've been reading it since 1996, usually as a cooling effect on my natural spirited joy.
Item #18 Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story. This is past the story of the hijacking of the Internet's Net neutrality by major corporations. Past the story of the US preparing to start manufactoring landmines (there's an
international treaty that the US refuses to sign), past the story of the death of the ocean, past the story of proof of the dangers of genetically modified foods. Yes, keep going.
A conspiracy is defined by my Webster's as a secrect plan by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful. It comes from the latin root meaning "to breath together". If my understanding of the law (derived from uncounted hours watching
Law & Order) is correct, it is not legally necessary that all parties contributing to an illegal outcome be aware of all other parties, their plans or their contributions for them to be a party to the conspiracy. If Person A sells a gun that they know will be used in a crime (because they've erased its serial number and sold it to someone who wants a 'cold, untraceable' weapon) it doesn't matter that Person A didn't know in detail it was going to be used in the assasination of the President of the United States of America while he was in Dallas. Person A is effectively and legally part of that conspiracy.
So, read Item #18 and tell me whether or not you think this is more crazy talk from crazy people who don't know the world is actually unfolding as it should, just like God planned it, and that heaven is on its way (fucking physicists). If this story
is true then everything is wrong.
And we are seriously fucked.