Bill C10 - Snatching Tax Payers' Money From Dirty Tax Payers
Canada is a clean society and we don't want your kind around here - unless you're American
Apparently, the Senate will look more closely at Bill C10. Click here to read the press release from the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce.However, even if the Senate believes the bill to be flawed and that it pushes the government into the role of censor, even if they recommend changes to its language or urge the 'morals clause' be included in the bill upfront it will not likely make a difference.
Click here for the blog from which the following quote came:
Finally, Maureen Parker of the Writers Guild of Canada had this to say today:Except that anyone who has been following Canadian politics knows the Liberals have taken a strategy of talking big and tough but avoiding any skirmish that could lead to an election. The Liberals themselves made amendments to the Conservative budget and then voted against their own amendments. On Wednesday only 11 Liberals voted against the budget (the rest of the Liberal caucus waited in the foyer until the vote was over). To defeat the government's proposed budget (and Bill C10 is embedded in that legislation) would be a vote of non-confidence and it could trigger an election.
I just received a phone call from the Stephane Dion’s chief of staff who advised me that the Senate has now officially (controlled by the Liberals) decided to address the issue of Bill C-10, in particular the requirement for guidelines to ensure that an film, TV or digital program is not contrary to public policy.
Should the Senate decide an amendment is required (and this seems likely), the entire Bill will be sent back to the House for another reading as an amended Bill. If the government manages to raise enough support amongst all of the MP’s it seems that this could mean a non confidence vote for the government. But given that the Liberals, Bloc and NDP are supporting an amendment to this Bill, it doesn’t seem likely that it will become an issue that will bring down the current government and force us into an election. But if it does, we say bring it on.
If the Senate returns an amended Bill C10 to the House, their past actions suggest it will not be supported by the Liberals if it becomes a matter of confidence.
However, if the Conservatives can be convinced that Bill C10 is unnecessary (what porno? what gratuitous violence?) or impolitic then possible amendments might pass.
But, my question is: what are the chances that the Conservatives are going to agree to delaying the passage of the budget in order to assuage the fears of artists? Especially those unkempt, slightly vulgar, foul-mouthed fuckers who might be degenerate enough to utter words like...well, you know...and do things with kids that we wouldn't even dream of doing with hookers.
I'd say, 'nil'. The Conservatives want a good clean, orderly society in which the trains run on time and if you want your tax credits to make your movie you'll just put on that bow-tie and comb your hair and stop touching your yoni and lingum.
PS: I've heard that Bill C10 only applies to Canadians making films - not American production companies. Apparently, taxpayers have a right to ensure no Canadian uses his tax credit to make bad, dirty things but we're less concerned about American degenerates.
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