"Tell the rabble to be quiet; we anticipate a riot"
if you can't quote Jesus Christ Superstar during an election...

When Harper called a pre-emptive election despite his passage of fixed-date elections, I thought people would be more upset than they were. When he started wearing an avuncular blue cardigan and being photographed at the kitchen table of 'ordinary Canadians' (I suspect he was actually photoshopped by CPC hacks at HQ) I thought people would see right through the deceit. I was positive they would remember his record during his time in office.
Bill C10, Bill C51, Bill C61. The tearing up of the Atlantic Accord. The retreat from national daycare. The retreat from Kyoto and the appointment of John Baird as Minister of the Environment. The firing of the nuclear safety commissioner. And, and, and...
Well, apparently not. We like him. Or at least a third of us like him (37%) and this might be enough for the CPC to form a majority government come October 15, 2008.
Rather than turn to alcohol (well, hello, Shiraz) and despair I decided to download The Harper Record, published by the CCPA and spend the weekend curled up on the sofa, drinking coffee, reading and occasionally talking to my imaginary friend, Jesus.
After I finish this little history of Harper's two and a half years of power I may be hectoring my fellow citizens.
You know, with love.
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