Steal these public assets
You call it 'free enterprise Liberalism' I call it 'screwing the commoner'

Bill Tieleman has been following the story and reporting on it in his blog. Click here. The BC Rail deal might not have been as clean as we should expect from a government of the people. It also hints at a 'dirty tricks' political campaign (remember Nixon) within the highest level of the Liberal party. And apparently the Justice in the case is not pleased that 'full disclosure' means something different to the Crown prosecutors than it means to the rest of the legal profession. All in all, it appears at first glance that something is rotten in Denmark. And when I say rotten I mean 'corrupt' and when I say Denmark I mean...well, you know.
It all makes interesting reading, especially when the members of the Legislature are about to vote themselves a 29% pay raise. What? Can't a politician make a decent living through influence pedaling, bribery and stealing public assets anymore?!
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